Despite all the impacts we have achieved, Peace Parks will never be able to grow fast enough to tackle the magnitude of challenges we face. That is why we focused this year on mobilising partners to bring expertise and investment into the landscapes where we work. Founded by Peace Parks’ Chairman Mr Johann Rupert, fellow board member Mr André Hoffmann, with Mr Wijnand Pon and the Uk People’s Postcode Lottery, a new initiative called Partners4Nature aims to change the face of rewilding in southern Africa by inviting partners to support impact at an unprecedented scale. We have a big, multi-generational vision for the places we operate in, plus 26 years of experience and track record to build on.
Because Peace Parks engages long term with the landscapes where we work, we cannot rely on project finance alone. Partners4Nature will provide catalytic investment and bridge funding to initiatives that can potentially create landscape level impacts. We need support to dare to try, and dare to fail. Together we can scale models that work, crowd in additional investment and effectively learn to remain agile and develop solutions at the required pace.
This fund launched in 2024.
“As a founding member of the Partners4Nature fund, I believe that through this support, we empower the Peace Parks team to be light on their feet. So they can respond swiftly to urgent needs and strategically scale projects that have a lasting, positive impact on people and nature. It’s truly inspirational to see how Partners4Nature invites more local and international organisations to come and work with Peace Parks.”
Founder and Chairman COmON Foundation
Biodiversity funds
The UBP Biodiversity Restoration Fund managed by Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) is enabling Peace Parks’ work in the rehabilitation of the Zinave National Park in Mozambique. The equity portfolio champions nature by investing in companies dedicated to safeguarding and rejuvenating the planet, species and habitats. Notably, UBP allocates a portion of its management fee, derived from ensuring positive returns for clients, directly to the project partners to use for conservation work.
Conservation bonds
RMB Lion Bond Rand Merchant Bank (RMB), is partnering with Peace Parks Foundation, to develop the Mozambican component of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area. RMB will facilitate the issue of a conservation bond. A portion of the proceeds of the bond will be invested into the market to ensure the capital is returned to the investor, and a portion will be placed in a Conservation Fund. Peace parks will implement the conservation funds and generate a biodiversity and climate adaptation impact. Upon demonstration of successful impact, the investors will receive a financial return.
REDD+ Carbon Initiative
Kafue-Zambezi Community Forest Project REDD+ Agreement This Reduced Environmental Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) carbon credit programme covers 350 000 hectares of forests. In October 2023, the Government of Zambia authorised an agreement covering the three-year development of the programme required before any credits will be issued, eventually connecting these remote and vulnerable communities to global climate finance. BioCarbon Partners will provide initial funding of USD 4.7 million for this large-scale forest carbon project. The project aims to mitigate climate change by enhancing carbon sequestration and reducing emissions within forest ecosystems.