Peace Parks Foundation has supported the development of the Malawi-Zambia Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) since 2003 when, following a study carried out by the Foundation, the governments of Malawi and Zambia started exploring the possibility of establishing a TFCA on the borders of their countries. An international coordinator was appointed to drive the process, and following several bilateral meetings an MoU for the development of the TFCA was signed in 2004.
From 2004 to 2014, we facilitated continued collaboration between the two countries to develop the draft treaty and implementation framework. The bilateral treaty was finally signed in 2015. At a ministerial committee meeting held in 2016, it was approved that the TFCA would be managed by a joint integrated management committee and that Peace Parks would be appointed as the implementing agent for TFCA development, except for North Luangwa National Park where the Frankfurt Zoological Society would continue as implementing agent.
Peace Parks Foundation is the implementing agent for the KfW funding for the Malawi Zambia Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) and oversees the Malawi Zambia TFCA Management Unit (TMU) that is responsible for the planning and implementation of related projects.