

Sights unlike you've ever experienced before

The magnificent 32 278 km² Malawi-Zambia transfrontier conservation area incorporates national parks, wildlife reserves, forest reserves and game management areas.


The TFCA comprises of two main components: The Nyika-North Luangwa component is centered on a high undulating montane grassland plateau rising over 2 000 m above the bushveld and wetlands of Vwaza Marsh. To the south, the Kasungu-Lukusuzi component is an area of importance for biodiversity conservation in the Central Zambezian Miombo Woodland Ecoregion.

Transfrontier Conservation Area

Transfrontier Conservation Area

National Park

National Park

Protected Area

Protected Area

Country Border

Country Border




Peace Parks Foundation has supported the development of the Malawi-Zambia Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) since 2003 when, following a study carried out by the Foundation, the governments of Malawi and Zambia started exploring the possibility of establishing a TFCA on the borders of their countries. An international coordinator was appointed to drive the process, and following several bilateral meetings an MoU for the development of the TFCA was signed in 2004.

From 2004 to 2014, we facilitated continued collaboration between the two countries to develop the draft treaty and implementation framework. The bilateral treaty was finally signed in 2015. At a ministerial committee meeting held in 2016, it was approved that the TFCA would be managed by a joint integrated management committee and that Peace Parks would be appointed as the implementing agent for TFCA development, except for North Luangwa National Park where the Frankfurt Zoological Society would continue as implementing agent.

Peace Parks Foundation is the implementing agent for the KfW funding for the Malawi Zambia Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) and oversees the Malawi Zambia TFCA Management Unit (TMU) that is responsible for the planning and implementation of related projects.


13 August 2004

MoU is signed towards the establishment of the Malawi Zambia TFCA


The rewilding of Nyika National Park and Vwaza March Wildlife Reserve commences, as joint cross-border anti-poaching efforts in Nyika prove successful.


Extensive funding springboards the launch of various field activities, law enforcement initiatives and infrastructure upgrades.


The SADC Secretariat approves a three-year project to support the development and management of the Kasungu-Lukusuzi component of the TFCA.

7 July 2015

The presidents sign a treaty that formally establishes the Malawi-Zambia TFCA. The treaty is supported by an integrated management development framework - an extensive and comprehensive five-year plan that guide the work of the TFCA's management structures.


In order to avoid further habitat fragmentation, as well as restore and sustain ecological connectivity between key components of MAZA, numerous activities at TFCA and individual protected area level, are being executed in this conservation landscape. This involves conservation management, infrastructure development and operational support, unlocking the commercial potential for nature-based economies, and various community development projects inclusive of community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) initiatives.

MAZA was the first TFCA with a cross-border wildlife sanctuary, joint radio communication system and joint patrols.

Nyika-North Luangwa

Nyika-North Luangwa

Within the Nyika-North Luangwa component of the TFCA, PPF is focusing on development of the Nyika Plateau, Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve/Lundazi Forest and the Chama Block in the Musalanga GMA. Funded by KfW, initiatives include protected area management and development of infrastructure, supporting institutional arrangements, and community involvement in conservation.



The Kasungu/Lukusuzi component lies to the south of the Malawi-Zambia TFCA and comprises the Kasungu National Park in Malawi, the Lukusuzi National Park in Zambia and a narrow corridor of customary land in-between. The key focus of GIZ supported projects in this component is on community involvement in natural resource management and restoring connectivity between the protected areas.



31 Jul 2024

Peace Parks Foundation’s support to rangers, for people and nature

Peace Parks Foundation thanks the rangers protecting communities and nature, using their skills to conserve...


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