Simalaha Treadle Pumps Campaign

Donate a treadle pump and help a local farmer become food secure

A severe, prevailing drought in the Simalaha Community Conservancy, Zambia has resulted in almost no yield from rain fed crops in the last year. This has created a scarcity of food with local communities having to turn to the collection and consumption of roots and wild fruits to feed themselves and their children.

Teachers are reporting that children are not eating daily – some waiting three days between meals.

However, local Conservation Agriculture farmers in the Conservancy who, through Peace Parks, had access to treadle pumps, piping, and a water source, have been able to irrigate their crops and survive the effects of the drought.

A treadle pump is a human-powered suction pump that is used for irrigation. It is designed to lift water from a depth of seven metres or less.

We want to provide all Conservation Agriculture farmers that do have access to water (such as the Zambezi River, a well or dam) with a treadle pump to enhance food security within the region as well as support livelihood development. We’ve already distributed 140 pumps, but need a further 500 pumps to enable at least another 1,000 farmers to irrigate their crops.

Your gift of $250 will purchase a treadle pump
and necessary piping for a farmer in Simalaha.

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