General, PPF Sweden

A continued commitment to protect the rights of people and nature

(fltr) Anders Årbrandt (Joint Managing Director: Novamedia Sverige AB), Cecilia Bergendahl (Joint Managing Director: Novamedia Sverige AB), Lena Malmberg (Peace Parks Foundation Sweden), Eva Struving ( International & Charity Director, Novamedia Group) and Rickard Sjöberg (TV presenter: The Postcode Millionaire)

Peace Parks Foundation has been awarded SEK 6,650,000 for basic annual support through a contribution made by the Swedish Postcode Lottery to Peace Parks Foundation Sweden on 13 March 2019.

Magnus Bergmar (Secretary General World’s Children’s Prize), Lena Malmberg (Peace Parks Foundation Sweden), with a presenter of the Swedish Postcode Lottery television show

In addition, an additonal SEK 8 980 000 was awarded to the World’s Children’s Prize special project, “Peace & Changemaker Generation”, to be undertaken in collaboration with Peace Parks. This project will contribute to long term peace building in communities living adjacent to the Mozambican and Zimbabwean components of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area where many children, especially girls, have their rights badly violated, and where poaching and other crime that is against detrimental to wildlife is common. Approximately 100,000 children – an entire generation – will be educated and empowered as changemakers that will stand up for child rights, especially girls’ rights, democracy and sustainable development, including the protection of the environment and wildlife.

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the players of the Swedish Postcode Lottery, whithout whom this continued support would not be possible.

This year, the Lottery distributed SEK 951 980 158 among 56 beneficiaries in civil society

Since 2010, Peace Parks Foundation Sweden has received just over SEK 107 630 000, of which SEK 33 979 900 was donated towards Special Projects.



A stolen forest repurposed


Studying animal behavior to guide pro-active conservation

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