
Nelson Mandela, Founding Patron Of Peace Parks Foundation

Peace Parks Foundation deeply regrets the passing of its founding patron, Dr Nelson Mandela. The thoughts and prayers of Peace Parks Foundation staff are with Madiba’s family.

Dr Nelson Mandela was one of the three founding patrons of Peace Parks Foundation, the other two being the late HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and the late Dr Anton Rupert. Dr Mandela actively supported the foundation’s work. On 4 October 2001 he opened the gate between Mozambique and South Africa to allow the truck transporting the first elephants translocated from South Africa’s Kruger National Park to Mozambique’s Limpopo National Park to cross the border into the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park.

Dr Nelson Mandela and Dr Anton Rupert at the 2001 elephant translocation (Photo: Tony Weaver)

About Peace Parks Foundation he said: ‘I know of no political movement, no philosophy, and no ideology which does not agree with the peace parks concept as we see it going into fruition today. It is a concept that can be embraced by all. In a world beset by conflict and division, peace is one of the cornerstones of the future. Peace parks are building blocks in this process, not only in our region, but potentially the entire world.’

Dr Mandela was an inspiration to Peace Parks Foundation and we will strive to do his legacy proud.

Nelson Mandela on the importance of transfrontier conservation areas (peace parks)


Launch Of The Joaquim Chisano Wildlife Preservation Initiative In Mozambique


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