Project Management

The Challenge

One of the greatest barriers to the protection of cross-border ecosystems, is the lack of sufficient resources with which to successfully implement the plans and visions of those who commit themselves to the pursuit. This includes a lack of expertise in the field of conservation and nature-based economies, as well as a lack of funds to execute actions and address shortcomings.

Our Solution

We assist the TFCA partner countries in identifying key projects, designing project plans and in securing the necessary funds required to implement the project. Our support includes capacity building and development of capabilities, also through the appointment of key role players such as technical advisors, park and project managers, and even rangers. We often act as project implementation agent for the TFCA partner countries to take the role in matters such as contractual project execution and operations.

Our end-goal is always to run project is such a way as to become self-sufficient, with a focus on building capacity in existing structure within the relevant countries and/or conservation agencies, to avoid long-term donor dependency.

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